Each year we invite you out to the farm for a family-friendly open house.
You can sit and chat, play yard games, take a hayride out, visit the hens in the pasture, and see the place and meet the people who nurture your food.
And eat! Can’t forget that part, can we?!?
So mark your calendar for Saturday, June 12 from 4:30 to 8:00 pm and RSVP above!
There is no cost to attend; we just ask that you RSVP!
The open house at Cedar Valley Farms is one of our favorite days of the summer but this year is extra special . . . It’s our 20th Anniversary Celebration!
We hope you’ll head out to Garnett and share it with us!
Please click here to check out more information and to R.S.V.P. https://baumansmobilemeat.market/event/baumans-barbecue/
We look forward to seeing you!